Group 50: Kate, Alfie, Nadia and Tom Music Video 2008/9: October 2008

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

new idea

To make our music video more exciting we have come up with anew idea, since we were unable to have the camera for long enough we were unable to do our previous idea of having our main singer, Alfie, wearing different clothes we felt that our footage was very plain, as it was filmed all in the same location and had no story line to it.
So we decided to look at the lyrics and have animations to match them.
We are going to have animations to match different words in the song e.g. for the chorus we are will have a rocket flying over his head, and when the lyrics " I like your style crazy pound pup. " we will have a dog wagging its tail on the side of the pavement ect..

We will have lots of different animation to coincide with the lyrics, we want it to look really cartoony and not perfect.

Finished editing of video 20/10/08

We finished the editing of our footage before we expected, at the moment it is incomplete as we have a new idea of adding in animation to match the lyrics.
All we have to do now is create the animation in i stop motion and then overlay it on top of our footage.
Here is our edited video so far...

Monday, 13 October 2008

Feedback from rough cut


Nice shots
Shots go on for to long.
Variation of shots
Smooth moving shots at the beginning
When writing appears on cardboard it should be sped up


Speed up the start - curbside prophet
Song needs to be in sync
Great idea with the lettering - original


The starting introduces the song smoothly while remaining hidden in the song, a simple idea works to great effect.


Bit plain
Old guitar matches the theme


Good performance
In the animatic it was said that you were going to shoot people of the street handing him things and joining in, this would have worked really well
Good performance from Alfie.



We like it!


Thursday, 9 October 2008

Rough Cut


Monday 6th October- Filming Day 2!

During this lesson Me and Alfie took out the camera a did a afternoon of filming.
We filmed in Luard Road, just outside of Long Road.

We began with the sign, I held a Board and Alfie wrote each letter singlely, this is so, that when we cut the footage, the letters would appear. I also held a sign stating "By Jason Mraz". We then proceeded to walk down Luard Road, doing numerous shots. Long (Alfie walkng towards me, emphasisng the length of Long Road), Short, Medium (Of Alfies torso and Face generally to show guitar),Low/High angle ( Of the followers, also give an angle of auhority), Close ups Alfie singing Lyrics), Point of view shots and also including Voeyurism (Being watched), this was done through myself standing on opposite side of the road, in bushes etc.

We also filmed quick shots of Alfie standing on one side of the road, then the other slowly getting further away. This was an idea that when the lyrics are "Now, Now, Nooooowwwwwww", it would look as if he was jumping fro side to side.

Overall, I was a successful filiming day, wtht eh Majority of our footage coming from it. We produced 15 minutes of film time, which is now combined with previous footage.


New ideas

This video, By Just Jack, it was the closest video, We could find to our new idea, in the video the guy, Jack, stays in the same place singing the song the whole way through, except his T shirt changes to match the lyrics e.g when he says he's digging up dinosaur bones, his T shirt snaps to having a picture of a dinosaur on it and then to a different picture with bones on it all to match the lyrics. NADIA.

We came up with his idea, due to Alfie forgetting to bring the same clothes he had worn o previous shots. This idea could work effectively because currently our footage is very samey (Alfie walking down a street, singing and dancing), Therefore we wanted to be more creative. We still need to get some extras to take part, however due to deadlines this is yet to happen. Therefore we felt that this idea could be shot during lesson time. And would be effective enough to interest viewers. Unlike the video above Alfie obviously does not own T-shirts tha correspond witht the lyrics. Therefre e will simply change the coulour, this will change during different situations. And hopefully it will look GOOD!!!! Kate


filming on wednesday 08/10/08

On Wednesday during lesson time we decided to go out and do some more filming as there were a few shots we still needed. We decided that we did not have enough time to go to town so went down luard road which is very close to college giving us enough time to get there and back.

Once we got to the location we wrote out a list of shots that we still needed, some shots of Alfie's feet, a voyeuristic shot e.g behind a bush, a shot of Alfie in front with people following him and some of Alfie walking down the street singing.

When we started to film we realised that these shots would not coordinate with the other shots we have taken as the lighting was different and Alfie was wearing different clothes, so Kate came up with an idea that would make these things acceptable and work together in the video, we could have Alfie in lots of different outfits but still singing the same song, so when we edited it we would make the shots really snappy and change really quickly in between the shots of Alfie in the different clothes but he would be singing the same line.

Within this idea we had to more, when Alfie was changing clothes we could either have him standing in the same place, or walking down the same street while his clothes changed, but his surroundings wouldn't. Or we could have Alfie walking down about four different streets and on each street his outfit would be different, and we would have Alfie walk through a gate or jump over the road and then he would be a different street.

Because we only had this idea one day before the rough cut was due we will have to do the other shots either in lesson time or in half term. We will use the film that we have already done, but because it is all very similar e.g Alfie walking down the road singing, the new idea would make it a lot more interesting and give us a variety of shots.


Wednesday, 1 October 2008

feed back from peer assessment

Overall we agree with all of the comments made and are going to take them all into consideration and add all of the things that we have missed out, like shots of location and photographs of shooting. We also agree with the over all mark of level 3 and marks from 20 - 24, hopefully with the given ideas, once we add them into our blog, we can achieve a higher mark.


Planning blog peer assessment

1. List below the content of each of the posts (eg analysis of real music videos). Are there any types of post that you think are missing from the blog?

- Location

- Props

- influences

- Test footage

- Actors

**no-one added any content to these category's**

2. Is there evidence in the blog that the group has:

Completed background research?
Organised personnel, locations and equipment for shooting?
Developed ides since the initial concept?

- research on Jason Mraz - well done
- really good test footage
- good animatic, lists
prop photos - good
- really good ideas, and clearly shown animatic

3. 'Is there a clear understanding of what ideas we are trying to pursue? What else do we need to add?

Yes, there is a very clear understanding of what your group is trying to achieve.
Need to add photographs from shooting.
You have a good shot list.
Very clear! good use of different angles in test footage.

4. Overall assessment:

If you were to give this blog a marking level what would it be?

Level 4 = excellent planning 24 - 30 marks
Level 3 = Proficient planning 17 - 23 marks
Level 2 = Adequate planning 10 - 16 marks
Level 1 = Poor planning 0 - 9 marks

We give this blog level 3, 20 marks
Level 3 - 23 marks
Level 3 - 22 marks
Level 3 - 22 marks ( maybe go into more detail, but love the idea)
Level 3 - 23 marks, maybe 24 :D
