Monday 6th October- Filming Day 2!
During this lesson Me and Alfie took out the camera a did a afternoon of filming.
We filmed in Luard Road, just outside of Long Road.
We began with the sign, I held a Board and Alfie wrote each letter singlely, this is so, that when we cut the footage, the letters would appear. I also held a sign stating "By Jason Mraz". We then proceeded to walk down Luard Road, doing numerous shots. Long (Alfie walkng towards me, emphasisng the length of Long Road), Short, Medium (Of Alfies torso and Face generally to show guitar),Low/High angle ( Of the followers, also give an angle of auhority), Close ups Alfie singing Lyrics), Point of view shots and also including Voeyurism (Being watched), this was done through myself standing on opposite side of the road, in bushes etc.
We also filmed quick shots of Alfie standing on one side of the road, then the other slowly getting further away. This was an idea that when the lyrics are "Now, Now, Nooooowwwwwww", it would look as if he was jumping fro side to side.
Overall, I was a successful filiming day, wtht eh Majority of our footage coming from it. We produced 15 minutes of film time, which is now combined with previous footage.
Labels: Kate.
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